Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Removing foreign keys

Hi everyone,

I've been using VS.NET to design and implement my SQL databases. This has been simple and effective.

I've deployed the database onto the production database server and it's been performing without a hitch for some time now.

My problem is that I now need to remove a foreign key relationship on the production database as I have had a relationship between two tables but now not wanting the relationship since the data that had the relationship is now not wanting to be compulsory. I've had a look in the system.foreignkey (I think) table but I can't make head or tail of it.

Long story short, how can I find and remove the relationship from Query Analyser / Enterprise Manager ? I know how to do this in VS.NET diagram (just delete the relationship) but when you open the production database in VS.NET the diagram is no longer there.

Any help will be appreciated!!

AndrewFixed - was browsing around in VS.NET on the server, right clicked on the table in question, and found the relationship tab, deleted relationship.


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