Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Removing Field Creation Limitations in a BCM SQL Database

I have an Outlook 2007 Business Contact Manger Database on a SBS 2003 R2
Premium Server with SQL 2005.
Whenever I try to add more than 40 User-Defined Fields in BCM I get an error
message stating I can't create more than 40 User-Defined Fields. That's a
huge limitation. Is there a way I can remove that limitation in SQL Server
2005 or at least increase the number?
Thank you.
Hi Rich
I think this is a limit imposed by BCM and not SQL Server as there are 1,024
columns per base table allowed in SQL Server to a maximum row size of 8,060
"Rich" wrote:

> I have an Outlook 2007 Business Contact Manger Database on a SBS 2003 R2
> Premium Server with SQL 2005.
> Whenever I try to add more than 40 User-Defined Fields in BCM I get an error
> message stating I can't create more than 40 User-Defined Fields. That's a
> huge limitation. Is there a way I can remove that limitation in SQL Server
> 2005 or at least increase the number?
> Thank you.
|||Actually in 2005 the row size is really not limited to 8060 bytes any more.
Andrew J. Kelly SQL MVP
Solid Quality Mentors
"John Bell" <> wrote in message[vbcol=seagreen]
> Hi Rich
> I think this is a limit imposed by BCM and not SQL Server as there are
> 1,024
> columns per base table allowed in SQL Server to a maximum row size of
> 8,060
> bytes
> John
> "Rich" wrote:
You could argue that with Text datatype the limit does not exist in SQL
2000, so it was conditional anyhow, but Books online still gives it as the
limit in SQL 2005.
It still doesn't explain why there is a seemingly arbitrary limit imposed by
"Andrew J. Kelly" wrote:

> Actually in 2005 the row size is really not limited to 8060 bytes any more.
> --
> Andrew J. Kelly SQL MVP
> Solid Quality Mentors
> "John Bell" <> wrote in message
|||If BCM is dependent on SQL 2005 then I would think that there is a way to
increase the limit. Could the SQL database have code in it that commands it
to have a limit in BCM?
If a Microsoft engineer could help put some light on this I would greatly
appreciate it.
Thank you.
"John Bell" wrote:
> Hi
> You could argue that with Text datatype the limit does not exist in SQL
> 2000, so it was conditional anyhow, but Books online still gives it as the
> limit in SQL 2005.
> It still doesn't explain why there is a seemingly arbitrary limit imposed by
> BCM.
> John
> "Andrew J. Kelly" wrote:
|||I don't see any BCM MSDN group. Because this isn't a break/fix issue I can't
post it to the Microsoft Support Managed Newsgroup. I've tried that and they
said to post in the MSDN Newsgroup.
"Tibor Karaszi" wrote:

> I suggest you ask this in a BCM group, since the limit is in the application (BCM), not in SQL
> Server.
> --
> Tibor Karaszi, SQL Server MVP
> "Rich" <> wrote in message

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