Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Removing duplicates

Hi all,
I have a table like
UserNo UserName
1 Ajit
2 Ajit
3 Ajit
4 Vishal
5 Sonu
6 Sonu
7 Ketan etc

And I want to remove all duplicates in this table any suggestions.IdeaHere is one that would keep the first entry for each UserName.
delete tb
where UserNo not in(
select min(UserNo)
from tb
group by UserName)|||Hi,

I assume UserNo is unique and you want to keep the first of each user. You can determine the id of the first occurence of each UserName by finding the first id using MIN, like this: SELECT MIN(UserNo) FROM tablename GROUP BY UserName

Now you selected the rows you do not want to be deleted, so you have to delete everything that is not in the resultset above, so that would look like this:
DELETE FROM tablename
WHERE UserNo NOT IN (SELECT MIN(UserNo) FROM tablename GROUP BY UserName)

Good luck!|||Thanks for the suggestion it works

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